Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I had never noticed this textbox

That's what u get 4 using IE...
Yes, I just re-started using Firefox as my browser... I had completely forgotten about the "want to debug?" questionary IE displays when you browse some sites.

So it's now that I'm configuring DreamWeaver to test using FF... well, it's as boring as it sounds.

Gotta go play for a little while this boredom is just killing me...
And we survived another week!!
Super weird week at the job. Long story short: Yes, I stayed 'till 8 three days this week, but got to my class 2 out of 3 times... Christina didn't go... bomer... Well, and the really funny part is how this coworker of mine is starting to leave "early" too. I mean, it's 5:10, 5:15, that's not really early, that's ON TIME. And people, work gets done, nobody is dying here if one or two "maps" aren't ready for 1 day.

Well, job aside, great week. I did get to chat with Christina this week. The woman is a complete workaholic.
Stretching is good for the body. Especially your hands.
Of course, her point of view is that I'm a complete "laz-a-holic", well, what can I say?... Besides, I got to meet my instructor's children, three beautiful babies (trillizos). I'll get some pictures soon. And well, classes were really cool this week. I'm telling you guys, this has to be like the best dojang in Panamá.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Yes, it's in English now...
Well, I think the first and major difference in this entry from the rest is quite obvious.

So, yes, I'm now writing in English, and yes, it's all because of the hit counter. I want the site to be visited by more people, so...

Cool, now before I forget, here's the funniest thing of the day. I was at MultiPlaza when I saw this guy who really gave me impression of being the rich manager of his own business. How do I know, you ask? Very simple, here's this guy who's pushing his baby's cart around the mall's parking lot, and he's pushing while his older daughter is hanging from the cart's bar. So now there's three people in this stunt group. Now comes the part of the story that tells me this guy is somebody's BOSS. There's the elevator, which by the way his wife just pushed the button to call, and there's the automatic stairs. And... the guy decides runs towards the stairs with his wife behind him yelling "NO, NO, NOT THE STAIRS, YOU'LL FALL!!!"

What does the guy do? He totally ignores his wife, gets the cart on the stairs (two wheels on one step, the back two on the next step, with him on the third step and his daugther hanging for dear life from the cart's bar trying no to fall down), and almost falls down 'cause of the weigth. Now, tell me, is that "manager" behavior or what? I mean, not only does he pull this stunt with his own kids; he also managed to do it while running, and ignoring a "100 times better" solution. Too bad I didn't have the time to pull my cameraphone to capture this "Kodak moment" a.k.a. "How daddy almost killed his children".

OK, putting that aside... this week has been kinda "focop", my cell's screen is broken, the C&W clowns don't have it. Guido, if you read this, please help me finding replacements online. I'm not sure if buying them "por fuera" would work, and just who the hell is gonna actually install the new screen, I guess myself. Oh, I bought "Papá Rico, Papá Pobre" ("Rich Dad, Poor Dad"), haven't started it, still gotta finish another book, that's taken me like a year to read. Damned self-help books.

My new job is totally absurd, well, my coworkers are anyways. Thirty-something year-olders asking for permission to leave "early" at 5 PM... that's the time your contract says you can leave, so do it... And well, we'll see where I go to next when I quit/get fired, don't care. Remember, RUN forward, BURN the bridge, and NEVER look back, the present is gone.