Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I had never noticed this textbox

That's what u get 4 using IE...
Yes, I just re-started using Firefox as my browser... I had completely forgotten about the "want to debug?" questionary IE displays when you browse some sites.

So it's now that I'm configuring DreamWeaver to test using FF... well, it's as boring as it sounds.

Gotta go play for a little while this boredom is just killing me...
And we survived another week!!
Super weird week at the job. Long story short: Yes, I stayed 'till 8 three days this week, but got to my class 2 out of 3 times... Christina didn't go... bomer... Well, and the really funny part is how this coworker of mine is starting to leave "early" too. I mean, it's 5:10, 5:15, that's not really early, that's ON TIME. And people, work gets done, nobody is dying here if one or two "maps" aren't ready for 1 day.

Well, job aside, great week. I did get to chat with Christina this week. The woman is a complete workaholic.
Stretching is good for the body. Especially your hands.
Of course, her point of view is that I'm a complete "laz-a-holic", well, what can I say?... Besides, I got to meet my instructor's children, three beautiful babies (trillizos). I'll get some pictures soon. And well, classes were really cool this week. I'm telling you guys, this has to be like the best dojang in Panamá.

1 comment:

koolbones said...


dile a tu jefe ke se compre un HandPunch, asi te pagan sobretiempo :P
