Wednesday, July 26, 2006

First-ever poll

Now that I think of it... I'm not sure this is a poll. You see, I'm not really giving options as much as I'm asking for them.

Point is: I HAVE to move out of my house. I'm way too old already to be living with my parents. So, I think I'll rent this little house a friend of mine showed me some months ago.

The only big question for me is: what will be the most important thing to buy for the new home? I already got my TV, PS2 (yes, it'll change to 3 as soon as possible), and laptop (I still don't know how much I owe the bank for it, but it's pretty much the whole lot, so I'll ask later). I'm guessing I'll need some sort of bed, and at least one chair and table, but then, what next?

I'm waiting for ideas!

Monday, July 17, 2006

A whole week flew by

DSCN4839Ok, so first things first, last week they sent me to attend another customer, so I was offline for like 3-4 days. I seriously need another job, and to move out of my home, I'm working on it.

Now, great little birthday I had. Got to go to this place called La Cerveceria, ate something, then got into Unplugged. I don't really like that place alot, but that's where the gang went, and I was bored. Then a friend (can't remember her fake name... so, Zaira it is) got there, right after she watched Superman Returns. I was talking with her about something, when I noticed everybody had gone off to talk (or try to) to some girl. And then, this guy walks by, shoves my friend and stands like too close to where we were standing. I got so mad I started pushing the guy (I stood in front of my friend, and with my back, shoved him), and he tried shoving me... and then he started screaming that I was following him... I wasn't really, I just wanted to clear more room, so I told him: I'm not moving, I'm right here in front of my friend! So the guy like tried to start a fight, and my friend Jorge got there and broke off the whole thing, he stood in the middle... And then Zaira starts telling me to stop doing that. I told her I just couldn't take that a guy would shove her, but she says she doesn't care, and I should take it easy too. So I calmed down, and then another guy does the same thing. She just looked at me and said "Easy". My buddy says all of us almost got into fights that night, but I don't know about that, I was too busy with "watching out for my new friend". Guess I need to take it easier...

Then, on Friday, we got to Liverpool. We were in the party of a friend of a friend. The chick invited us to the VIP and stuff, but I felt tired, and so did Zaira, and so did our other friend. We must have looked a bit weird almost snoozing in the sofa by the corner. The "friend of the friend" says we seemed to be just talking all night long. When the birthday girl asked us why were not mingling, we just said: we're having loooots of fun sitting in this really cool sofa. It was actually fun, going all the way there just to eat tacos at the entrance and then snoooze, and chat at the party... too bad they turned on all those lights.

Saturday!! I can't remember very well. We got to Coastway, and tried some bars and stuff, but there was one where the waiter got mad at some of us. You see, some guys wanted to smoke, so they sat outside, while we got a table inside, and ordered. The guy goes out, and tells our buddies they have to buy to be seated there... They told him they were with us, but he said something like: Oh, then go in, and smoke inside, if you're buying something. Then we did buy beers, and still the guy would give us a bad eye, and act all weird, so we left. Then, at some bar they had "tipico", and one of our friends went straight in, so Zaira asked me if I wanted to leave, and we did. She had some fun playing rock on my car radio, 'cause I don't really like it, but she was the guest, so she could choose the music. I took her to Gasthaus, but then she hooked up with other people, and I left to sleep, 'cause next day was the big beach trip.

Sunday! I woke, and got to the meeting place real early. Then I got this call from my friend telling me Zaira wasn't answering her phone (that's what I understood, anyways). I got real scared that something had happened to her after leaving with those other people, but she was OK. So, Angie, Raul, Zaira, Jorge and I took of to Raul's beach house. It was really cool when a cop signaled me to slow down, because there were like five dangerouse curves coming up next (I'm the only one who doesn't know the name of that part of the highway). I slowed down, not to scare the guys, but I need to drive that street alone some day. We never actually got to the beach, because the pool at the house felt really comfy, so we didn't want to lose that spot. I think Angie and Zaira wanted to go down to the beach, but we men didn't, jajaja... I took some pictures, I'll upload when I get the chance.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Insane & Cool, pt2

This will need to get redone... (but I gotta write down the idea)

So, the day I went dancing with Sandra...

I decided I was gonna sing something, since they had karaoke. I HAD to pick Marc Anthony's "Ahora Quien"... and I sang really bad, I hated it. I couldn't listen to my own voice, and started trying to sing louder, which made me totally loose the rigth tone. Soooo, when I sat my buddies told me so, and I got a bit angry at myself, and another guy starts another of Marc Anthony's song. I decided at that point it would be a great idea to grab Sandra and start singing in her ear, because this other song I can sing better! What was I thinking? I still don't know, but she didn't get mad or anything.

Then comes the part when another girl came to our table, because she knows my friend, and then he tells me: ...she's a hooker, you know? She's working right now!