Thursday, June 08, 2006

FeelinG NostRadAmicus

Nope, it's not like I pretend to know what's going to happen in the next 200 years, or anything like that.

I just think it's funny how things in my work DO happen the way I think they're gonna happen. Funnily, my biggest mistake yet has been the date for when they fire me... Well, it must be getting closer, who cares.

Point is, man, in college we saw this case like 6 times, if not more. When you get a design with repeated buttons (2 birthdate buttons for the same person?), missing "required" buttons (your customer SHOULD have an address, right?), and even some missing forms; you HAVE to know your project won't make it on time. Specially when TODAY they tell you how to calculate some "crucial" data. Of course, just paying attention to the 5-minute-who-did-this-thing design, one realizes the customer has no idea what he wants (actually it's a bunch of people), or someone just put in what they though was necessary without any real analysis. So, of course, now it's off-schedule, off-budget, and it should be ready two weeks ago. HHHmmmmm... that time-machine I was working on would make billions if it wasn't a huge pile of crap...

Well, lets hope one or two of you learn from someone else's mistake. If the design is obviously a half-done work, you'll end up with a half-done project. Being positive can really get you places in life, but you also should put some action into it, like, say, do your job, find out what the customer will need, and design forms that allow them to retrieve THAT data...

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