Saturday, April 29, 2006

"First Time" I activate a bank alarm!!

Man, this month is crazy, just crazy (maybe more like I'm crazy, who knows). The point is it keeps happening.

For years I've liked arriving early at work. This way I don't feel guilty for leaving "early", besides, I check my emails, read comics, or any other online stuff before I "punch in" for work. Funny, I have never had a job where I actually punch in or out for work...

Well, today I got into this client's offices to start early my late work, and I remembered I needed to call someone, so I walk towards the phone, and start the bank's alarm.

Of course, I get out, tell everyboy around I'm sorry, I didn't know... and then get back in, and wait for someone else to shut down the alarm (I don't have a password for it, because I'm outsourced here). So like 15 minutes after my "attempt at robbery" some guy shows up, turns off the alarm, and just goes away... guess I could have stolen a chair or something, at least the old magazines they keep...

Oh, and I'm declaring next month the "My friends are rich" month, jajajaj, let's see how that one works.

Friday, April 28, 2006

My first video on the net!!

Well, it's not the first one I make, but the first to be online. Yep, more "First-Time's".

No time for updates, but I did manage to get a good background done. I'll have to upload it some other time. Oh, yeah, I was forgetting, this is the link to the video I don't think it'll change the way you eat your food, but I think it's okay. I'll try to set up a site or account there so I can collect more or upload the ones I edit.

In the work news... it's another payday, another deadline, and a new case of "getting-fired/needing-a-new-job" fever for me (even I am bored). As usual, yes, you guessed it: I'M LATE! Funny stuff, my horoscope actually was right, and maybe I'll take their counsel and leave early today, just maybe...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

"First Time" Month continua!! First Time I write a Top-Ten List!!

Yup, as you read it. I don't remember ever doing this [a top ten list] before... it's freaky. I mean, I noticed this on the 23rd or something, and I though, well, there's few days left, so no more "first-time's" will pop-up, but they keep appearing... perhaps I should declare the next month the "I-met-a-really-hot-chick-who-likes-me-month" or the "I-won-an-Olympic-medal-month" (this one would be specially creepy since I'm so far in time, place, and SKILL from the Olympics)... or the "All-my-friends-became-rich-month"!

So, here's the top ten reasons why people really stay late at work (according to my own experience, which I consider as hard, cold facts. If you have real facts, or not, let us know!!)

01-They just don't have anywhere else to hangout: Let's face it, most of the time all that staying late is not out of love for the company, it's just the mere fact that no one is really waiting for you at home. It happened to me too, no kids, no wife, just mom and dad at home... I'm pretty sure their 22-year-old (at that time)son arriving home early was not THAT-GREAT-news. Also, all your friends are at theirs jobs, so you just stay at yours... mmmm... cellphones, people... just set up a meeting place, and get the hell out.

02-They are the "key employee" of the company: Yes, you have seen them. These people are all the time in like 5 offices at a time, and keep running "errands" for someone else (specially some mid-level boss, or the company owner). these people must be the descendants of those king "counselors" or something (no offense to people who really descend from someone who held that job). I mean, there was the phone, now email, and for crying out loud, a whole COMPANY helping the guy. Do we really need someone asking us to "remember to answer the mail" or "not to leave the bathroom light on"? Maybe if they fired those guys the company wouldn't need to worry so much about ONE BULB being on, and we could pay attention to the emails, instead of being distracted by these bufoons.

03-They are actually afraid of their boss: Well, I've seen this, yet I still don't get it. Once someone told me: it's because the boss CAN fire them. And I say, OK, but you CAN get a new job. If my boss is not going to kill me, then he/she/it can't scare me, I'm sorry. That's part of why I do fear God (and always write His Name with capital letters). Also, I shall always remember this lady in a former job telling me that her VP "will scream at you! and totally humilliate you!!!" if you were late. I never got to meet the jerk, but I so much wanted to. Man, XXI century, why does anybody put up with that?

04-They play online games: I've done it too. From 8-5, he's John Smith from accounting, but from 6-10 he's "Thor, the Thunder god from California!". Yeah, right, that's where the god of thunder comes from... (notice god in non-capital letter)...

05-They don't want to drive during the big traffic jams: Gas is getting expensive, you know? I'm just hopping some day EVERYONE will stay at work, and I'll drive freely at 5!

06-They are trying to meet hot singles online: Aahhh, the greatness of the net. That "hot babe on the other side of the screen doesn't need to know about my ugliness right away"... Yeah, Ok... and don't think I didn't notice. I'm not against it, but at least have the nerve to admit it in front of the boss; instead of lying and trying to make me look like a big slacker (I am a slacker, just not such a big one)

07-They just don't know what to do during work hours: Well, I did this one once or twice (or 20 times, I can't remember accurately...) People who face a really complicated problem during work hours sometimes just wait 'till everybody is going out and then start asking the questions they should have asked HOURS ago! There you are, working like a maniac to get out early, and then, at the end of the day, they say something like: Do you have a minute? OH! I would have loved to actually just give them a minute to solve the problem... (wait, I think I did it once... yay! for me) Then, after that, they'll try to compress a whole day of work into those 2-3 "extra hours".

08-To "puff-up" their job description (and, thus, their own): I hadn't noticed this one until recently. I mean, it's right there, but I hadn't put my finger on it. That's 'till one weekend I started talking to this friend and I tell her how I try to get out by 5 every day. She starts telling how she CAN'T do that because a lot of people depend on her job. (I immediately though: OOOOHHHH she studies medicine, or something where people can die if she fails!) Then she completely lost me. She starts explaining how the footprints she has to draw HAVE to be ON TIME, or else, the other guys will just stand there, and not complete a house or building... then I noticed: her job is not life or death, she just wants to think of it like that (then she is super VIP). That's why she can't get out of it early, because then the poor little construction workers will be standing around with nothing to do... God forbid!

09-Actually, they are big slackers: Hahaha, almost forgot it!! I can't believe it. This one is a HUUUUGE reason why many of the people who stay late do it. They're not big workers, they're BIG SLACKERS!! Again, experience from a former job. The people who usually complained the most about me leaving at 5 were the ones who arrived at 9, 9:30 (instead of 8, if you didn't know the entrance hour ;p). Also, put in a little effort and have lunch in only a half hour one of these days, sit at your workdesk, and check out who really comes back from lunch between 1-1:15 (if lunch starts at 12). You'll very likely notice that the big "stay-late-ers" are the ones always having 2-2 1/2 hour lunches. So, they put in some time to atone for their guilt. Well, those who feel guilty.

10-Simply put, they can't live with their spouse and children: Do I really need to explain this one?

I'm sure there's many more reasons, but I think these are the top 10.

that's what happens when U got 1 PC, & 2 bros

Sorry, people, no chance to change the background image...

I'm actually thinking of doing one with a lot of faces in very little squares, so u can try to recognize the people in it... however, no such luck, my brother had homework, and of course, he started it about the time I got home, and it stretched, till 10 or 11 pm...

SO... workwise, I think there's an upcoming visit from my "project leader". Yeah, as in "I don't know what's to be done, but I'll be checking your work". I really love programming. I've got this really crazy idea to explain why people shouldn't really bother me if they don't like what I program, but it's kinda all wrapped up in my brain, so I can't really explain it... yet. The main points are a) even big software companies leave bugs, and b) have you ever really bought a product and said "it's exactly as I wanted it to be"? ('cause I'm still waiting for that to happen)...

Well, thanks to koolbones for the remark about the background... but don't you guys think it would then be "too pale", and not let the letters be read? Well, I'll experiment with it when I get the PC. hehe, seems like no one noticed that I widened the writing space some 50 pixels!! Nice little trick I learned watching TV.

OH! and before I forget, the "First Timer" Month keeps on! On Monday, after class, I went to eat at Melissa (that's the name of the place). So, after some months that I almost left without paying, it finally happened. I just got out of the restaurant, and into my car. Those guys are lucky that it's difficult to get the car back on the street for lack of visibility. Of course, when the guy got to my car and told me I had forgotten to pay, I went in and payed. And, of course, it was COMPLETELY, AND ABSOLUTELY UNINTENTIONAL on my part. It's just that I'm used to fast food, where you pay as you order, that's all.

Well, try to watch Bleach (it's awesome!!). And forget that I forget to pay for stuff...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Updated Template

Well, people, I finally did it!!

I just finished an update to the template, tell me what you guys think.

Definitely I'm declaring this month the "First-Timer Month". For the first time in my life I have tried to create an email, and was turned down by the site. I don't know how it happens, I get into the Google site, type my data. I even got to the point where I could see my email address besides the Google main link bar. However, for Gmail, they keep saying my email is not on their database (I even assumed I was misspelling my password). Well, it had to happen some day.

The list goes kinda like this:
1-First Time... Getting into a Girls Bathroom without knowing,
2-First Time... Going to a Music Fest,
3-First Time... Not working for two days straight (My max used to be 1 day),
4-First Time... Almost breaking a bone,
5-First Time... Going to see two different doctors the same day,
6-First Time... Buying medicine at 12 am,

7-First Time... I sat to change my template actually trying to understand what the heck I'm changing...

I think there's some more that I just can't remember. Well, we'll see if next year it repeats. Why can't it be "First Time I win $2000 on the lottery"... well, for starters, 'cause I don't buy it... Ok...

So, comment on the new template!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Maybe it was a bad idea

Well, I had written this hilarious entry, and when I tried to upload it, the server crashed. Of course, this was also the first time in history in which I didn't have a backup of the entry.

So, instead of recreating it... this is what u people get, sorry. I just noticed, the site is getting close to a 1k visits. Not bad after a full year (I think).

So, it's still boring working for the company I work for, but one can have some fun. It's just about paying atention to your coworkers, and making fun of them. I mean, here's people convincing you that you should work harder, and then tell you how "we" are being exploited by the boss... Well, I guess I missed the "UR getting screwed, so U better work more" class in college, and I have to thank God for it. And that's just one of those that make you smile while you work with these people. They're good, but sometimes they just seem dumb.

Well, aside from that, if anybody sees my "Maltratalas y te Querran", please send me the link. A friend of mine says he showed to someone else, and they liked it. So I'm planning on reposting and expanding it.

Yes, I now charge a fee too...

So, first, I want to thank ALL the people who read this for asking me to write, and again not leaving comments about almost anything... I know, life's hectic, but, come on, something...

Now, let's stop the whining, and blog some cool stuff (I think it's cool, and that's the opinion that counts here)...

Well, my buddy, Danny the Tiger (ask him why about his nickname) sent the link to, and the guy got this list about stuff that people hate to pay for. I noticed something quite odd about it, most of the stuff we hate to pay seem to be fees. So, why do we pay them? 'Cause they're included in the price, and we can't get out of them.

So, as of now, I'm inventing the "line-invention" fee. Yes, I'll charge a $0.05 for every line of code I create. If I modify code, that's OK, but if it's a brand new line of code (with text on it, blank lines don't count), I want an extra nickel. I think it is fair. Say, a new IF would only add like $0.35 to the software, that's not a lot. Oh, and I will get hold of $0.01 of your "line-invention" fee, 'cause I invented it.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

So, it WAS a girl's bathroom...

Well, it had to happen some day, it's not like it's the first time in history. I just didn't realize I was being a perpetrator.

Yes, last week I got into a girl's bathroom. It was completely accidental, and somewhat fun. I just got out of work and went to Multicentro to watch Memoirs of a Geisha (good movie, but I missed Ziyi Shang fighting).

So, I had to change into a sweater. I walked right into the first bathroom I saw, and I was so surprised by the big amount of stools, as opposed to the usual set of urinals, and how clean it looked. I get into a stool, and as soon as I'm finished changing I hear these girls walk in, and one of them says "I swear it has happened to me, I got into the guys' bathroom by mistake." That's when I noticed why I didn't see urinals. So I ask the girls, and they tell me "Yes, this is the LADIES' ROOM". Soooo... OK... I get out, and suddenly there's like 5 chicks standing around... where were they when I got in? They could have told me... Ok, so I told the cleaning lady they need bigger signs, and got out...

Now, all that was left was to wait for my friends, and suddenly I realized it was them in the bathroom! Yes, the one who had gotten into a guys' bathroom was Christina, and the one who told it was the ladies' room I was in was Jean Marie. So, we got a good laugh from it...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

More of the fest

Well, koolbones wants to know what freebies were given away. Cool...

Freebies were aplenty, there were caps, bags (kind of like purses, but well, my mom, grandma, and aunts will use those... beach-bag-ish), different kinds of sweaters (cool note, yanliet got 2 sweaters at the same time from 1 of those biker guys), Motorola collars with blinking lights in different colors (we got red, green, purple and yellow), "viseras" (don't know this 1 in English :p, also in multiple colors, I got like 4, and Yanliet took some 5), the ThunderStix, the orange sweaters (we never got to those). Man, the really important freebie was the bag. It allowed you to not only keep other freebies, but to conceal the ones you had and ask for more! (Bien panameño, papá!!) Of course, we kept bags inside our main bag.

mmm... what else?? Yes, now I remember, there was this kid with a ton of flyers about "who-cares-what" and he kept letting them fall to the ground... near girls with really short skirts... I never tought you needed your cellphone in hand to pick up papers...

Guess that's it for now... keep on reading...keep on reading...keep on reading...keep on donating...keep on reading...keep on donating...keep on reading... jajajaj

Monday, April 03, 2006

Music Fest

Ok, then, here's what happened this weekend.

I went to MUSIC FEST! Well, of course, first I got sick, and paid $6.00 so the doctor could say to me: Don't worry, that's normal after a fever, it'll pass. Oh, and of course, right after that, the headaches I had been having for 2 days (and scared the hell out of me) stopped. Well, so I was feeling fine, and I had to go to the dojang, and hurt my shoulder. It's all my friends' fault, had they been there, I wouldn't have resorted to that form of "entertainment". Yes, big elliptic jump... yeah right... I fell right over my elbow trying to jump along two shields... and heard my own bones almost crunching. After that, I couldn't even carry my backpack. Thankfully, Fulvia received at her practice, and made a prescription for some medicine and I'm feeling a lot better.

Well, on with Music Fest. It was cool. One or two defects, but it always has to happen.

We got there at about 4:30 pm on Saturday. No long lines, we got tons of freebies. No camera, though, I left it in the car. Yanliet also left her cellphone in the car. We were thinking it was going to be one of those events where people are jumping all over the place and crash into one another. None of that happened, not to us, at least. We got a good place where we could see the stage (from a bit far, but it was ok) and even hang our Nokia bags with our freebies. It was fun noticing how when people got 2 steps away from the fence other people would take the spot in fractions of a second, it reminded of some Animal Planet show. So, obviously, we were like glued to our spot. I left Yanliet "guarding" the spot and got some burgers and soda. Strange how when you're not hungry 20 guys selling stuff walk by, but as soon as you want to buy something they disappear.

Well, "spot-guarding" aside, it was really cool, the bands played excellent music (I didn't know Ivan Barrios could actually sing), even if I don't like rock (AVRIL RULES!! The rest suck). It was a really good show. Yanliet and I were singing, and making as much noise as we could with the Thunderstix they were giving away. I reserved the jumping for Miranda's "Don", I just love that song. After that we started asking people when were Wisin & Yandel coming out, and people told us "TOMORROW", so we left. I mean Moemia is good, but my shoulder was hurting (I hadn't bought the medicine), and Yanliet looked like she needed to eat real food, instead of doing more guard and eating hamburgers. Which brings us to one of the defects, why the heck was there such a long waiting time between bands? Well, the obvious answer is SALES. People kept buying drinks, and food, so, the later the bands showed the better for the sellers. Oh, and the bikers... there was supposed to be an extreme show in-between bands. The only problem was almost no one noticed it. It was placed at people's level, so you couldn't see it from too far, and no one was going to leave their spots to go watch the bikers. They should have had their own stage so you could see them from afar. I mean, the guys were doing really good jumps, once you got close and saw it.

I have to thank Yanliet for going with me to the Rey to buy the medicines, it was like 12:30 am. Thanks a lot.

Well, on to Sunday.

Sunday started a bit slow, specially 'cause we had to make this super long line just to get in. But I did take one or two photos. However, it wasn't that bad. We again got a ton of free stuff, and even though we were farther from the stage this time, we had a fun day. This day we were nomads actually, walking from here to there, collecting freebies, watching some jumps, trying to get close enough to see the bands and sitting on the floor whenever we got tired. Again, same thing about the food sellers, where were they?? Oh, I know, stop being hungry or thirsty, that's when they seem to appear. Some friends were there too.

The craziest part of the show on Sunday was the Aventura band's performance. For a while I though girls were going to start one of those human avalanches you usually see only on TV, but they settled after the guys started singing. I don't really like that kind of music, but I have to admit these guys are freakingly popular, and the singer does have a great voice.

Well, then we saw some more jumps, and bought some food. Buying food was kinda nightmarish, but after we finally ate something, it was Wizin & Yandel's turn. We jumped and danced, this time from a little far from the stage, we discovered it was easier to watch the giant screens instead of getting as close as you could, which wouldn't allow you to see anything. So, after that we, left and like half the people did the same. I still think it was a really bad idea to make Diego Torres follow Wizin & Yandel. Everybody is listening reggeaton these days. I guess the guy was all alone when he finally performed. I mean, you have to be a real fan to wait another half hour for that last performance. I insist, if they had made people wait less, we would have been home by 6, but, well, the poor guys have to try and sell stuff.

There's some stuff to say, but this one's too long already... so, maybe next time.