Monday, April 03, 2006

Music Fest

Ok, then, here's what happened this weekend.

I went to MUSIC FEST! Well, of course, first I got sick, and paid $6.00 so the doctor could say to me: Don't worry, that's normal after a fever, it'll pass. Oh, and of course, right after that, the headaches I had been having for 2 days (and scared the hell out of me) stopped. Well, so I was feeling fine, and I had to go to the dojang, and hurt my shoulder. It's all my friends' fault, had they been there, I wouldn't have resorted to that form of "entertainment". Yes, big elliptic jump... yeah right... I fell right over my elbow trying to jump along two shields... and heard my own bones almost crunching. After that, I couldn't even carry my backpack. Thankfully, Fulvia received at her practice, and made a prescription for some medicine and I'm feeling a lot better.

Well, on with Music Fest. It was cool. One or two defects, but it always has to happen.

We got there at about 4:30 pm on Saturday. No long lines, we got tons of freebies. No camera, though, I left it in the car. Yanliet also left her cellphone in the car. We were thinking it was going to be one of those events where people are jumping all over the place and crash into one another. None of that happened, not to us, at least. We got a good place where we could see the stage (from a bit far, but it was ok) and even hang our Nokia bags with our freebies. It was fun noticing how when people got 2 steps away from the fence other people would take the spot in fractions of a second, it reminded of some Animal Planet show. So, obviously, we were like glued to our spot. I left Yanliet "guarding" the spot and got some burgers and soda. Strange how when you're not hungry 20 guys selling stuff walk by, but as soon as you want to buy something they disappear.

Well, "spot-guarding" aside, it was really cool, the bands played excellent music (I didn't know Ivan Barrios could actually sing), even if I don't like rock (AVRIL RULES!! The rest suck). It was a really good show. Yanliet and I were singing, and making as much noise as we could with the Thunderstix they were giving away. I reserved the jumping for Miranda's "Don", I just love that song. After that we started asking people when were Wisin & Yandel coming out, and people told us "TOMORROW", so we left. I mean Moemia is good, but my shoulder was hurting (I hadn't bought the medicine), and Yanliet looked like she needed to eat real food, instead of doing more guard and eating hamburgers. Which brings us to one of the defects, why the heck was there such a long waiting time between bands? Well, the obvious answer is SALES. People kept buying drinks, and food, so, the later the bands showed the better for the sellers. Oh, and the bikers... there was supposed to be an extreme show in-between bands. The only problem was almost no one noticed it. It was placed at people's level, so you couldn't see it from too far, and no one was going to leave their spots to go watch the bikers. They should have had their own stage so you could see them from afar. I mean, the guys were doing really good jumps, once you got close and saw it.

I have to thank Yanliet for going with me to the Rey to buy the medicines, it was like 12:30 am. Thanks a lot.

Well, on to Sunday.

Sunday started a bit slow, specially 'cause we had to make this super long line just to get in. But I did take one or two photos. However, it wasn't that bad. We again got a ton of free stuff, and even though we were farther from the stage this time, we had a fun day. This day we were nomads actually, walking from here to there, collecting freebies, watching some jumps, trying to get close enough to see the bands and sitting on the floor whenever we got tired. Again, same thing about the food sellers, where were they?? Oh, I know, stop being hungry or thirsty, that's when they seem to appear. Some friends were there too.

The craziest part of the show on Sunday was the Aventura band's performance. For a while I though girls were going to start one of those human avalanches you usually see only on TV, but they settled after the guys started singing. I don't really like that kind of music, but I have to admit these guys are freakingly popular, and the singer does have a great voice.

Well, then we saw some more jumps, and bought some food. Buying food was kinda nightmarish, but after we finally ate something, it was Wizin & Yandel's turn. We jumped and danced, this time from a little far from the stage, we discovered it was easier to watch the giant screens instead of getting as close as you could, which wouldn't allow you to see anything. So, after that we, left and like half the people did the same. I still think it was a really bad idea to make Diego Torres follow Wizin & Yandel. Everybody is listening reggeaton these days. I guess the guy was all alone when he finally performed. I mean, you have to be a real fan to wait another half hour for that last performance. I insist, if they had made people wait less, we would have been home by 6, but, well, the poor guys have to try and sell stuff.

There's some stuff to say, but this one's too long already... so, maybe next time.

1 comment:

koolbones said...

y ke freebies habia??