Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Quite interesting week

Before I forget, I was trying to vote for this girl on "Vive la Musica", and when I sent her full name, got an error. The solution? Send just the first name, and school taught me to give full answers.

First, I had forgotten to tell you guys about the new little experiment. I call it "the Pennyless Odd-Month". Pennyless, 'cause I'm paying the stuff I really like (my car, my classes) first, and as it turns out, I bought a new cellphone and contact lenses, which left me almost with no money. So, let's see how I make ends meet (food is one of the most surprising things, I'm not really hungry, yet I want to buy food). Odd-Month, 'cause it's running from May 15-June 15 (mere coincidence). Well, I have only some $15 'till Wednesday. I have to buy this gift for a friend, and go to the movies. Hope they pay that day.

Also, interestingly, a friend started this new blog, and it got comments on its first day. The eternal discussions about differences between males and females is such a meaty subject, you'll ALWAYS get traffic.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Guess I CAN be a superhero

Well, nice weekend. I finally got to hang with my friend Gina for a while. It had been months since I last saw her. Of course, we had to go see "DaVinci Code". I didn´t like it as much as the book, but that seems to be pretty common. I still think it's funny how people are willing to doubt the Bible, but believe that what Leonardo DaVinci painted (wrote or said, or didn't, for that case) is absolutely true.

Well, moving on... while I was waiting for Gina to arrive, I found out that the theater set up a line to wait for the 8:02 showing to start. I was among the first 5-9 persons in the line. Then, all of a sudden I take a step back to call Gina and tell her to hurry, and this girl just stands in front of me. I was about to say something, but then I tought: ok, I'm still very close to the front, no point on arguing. Then, finally Gina arrived, and in a few minutes we were going in, when suddenly, this lady stands besides me and asks the movie guy (the one who brakes your ticket) "What room is this for?" and the guy says 8, and she gives the man the ticket and walks in, not only ignoring me, but also the 50 or so people who were on the line for like a half hour. Gina almost started laughing right there when she saw me standing there waiting for the lady AND HER FRIEND to pass me by.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Findings of the Work Week

Well, last week I tried to make a little experiment. I just tought what would happen if I really focused on the job from 8am-5pm. My point was trying to prove myself wrong; since I did'nt think it would make a huge performance difference.

Well, no hotmail, no messenger, no blogging... and... here are the findings:


Most Important: My perfomance didn't gain a thing from trying to be focused on working. All I got was this huge need on Thursday, Friday, and specially Saturday of not even looking at the screen. I did manage to get work done, however, it was the same as if I have spread the job in more hours.

Most Interesting: In a meeting we had on Monday, I found out ALL my coworkers are late pretty much the same as I am. It's more 'cause of the fact that customers keep inventing features and middle management keeps dreaming that you can actually be on schedule when that's happening.

Saddest: My coworkers suffer this delusion that if they stay 'till dawn at work, they will be on schedule, and that that's what they should be doing.

Funniest: One guy who actually did work 'till dawn several days nearly had a seizure during the office. The poor guy kept counting his discussion items as "Second point!" even though he said like six.

Most Expected: No matter how hard I tried to work, even if I were the fastest programmer in this country, I would have ended being late. On Thursday they added (and removed, and changed) buttons, screens, and functions. Of course, they would like them to be ready this week for tests.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Got into a big debt, but it was worth it... I think

wELL, FINally got the notebook, I'm USINg it righT NOW... Kinda big debt for me, but I hope I can program some cool stuff to get the money back, plus I'm selling the wireless mouse it brought.

Oh, don't forget 2 CHEck Out my flickr, first time in months that I top off the upload capacity. I had forgotten I had a limit to my uploads... Good photos, don't miss the one with the umbrella... I fell a couple times, got dirt all over... I guess someone has to be "that" kid...

However, I did get the ride with two chicks (just friends, jajaj)... but it was cool... tons of food, and free soda to take home!!!!

Got into a big debt, but it was worth it... I think

wELL, FINally got the notebook, I'm USINg it righT NOW... Kinda big debt for me, but I hope I can program some cool stuff to get the money back, plus I'm selling the wireless mouse it brought.

Oh, don't forget 2 CHEck Out my flickr, first time in months that I top off the upload capacity. I had forgotten I had a limit to my uploads... Good photos, don't miss the one with the umbrella... I fell a couple times, got dirt all over... I guess someone has to be "that" kid...

However, I did get the ride with two chicks (just friends, jajaj)... but it was cool... tons of food, and free soda to take home!!!!

Got into a big debt, but it was worth it... I think

wELL, FINally got the notebook, I'm USINg it righT NOW... Kinda big debt for me, but I hope I can program some cool stuff to get the money back, plus I'm selling the wireless mouse it brought.

Oh, don't forget 2 CHEck Out my flickr, first time in months that I top off the upload capacity. I had forgotten I had a limit to my uploads... Good photos, don't miss the one with the umbrella... I fell a couple times, got dirt all over... I guess someone has to be "that" kid...

However, I did get the ride with two chicks (just friends, jajaj)... but it was cool... tons of food, and free soda to take home!!!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

WOW! Finally!!

So, it took some 1 or 2 years, but I've reached the first K visits... cool!!

Thanks to those who actually read this. Thanks to those who've left comments (yes, even to that guy who insulted me 'cause I play videogames).

Well, I'll keep posting, and hoping some day to get the first M visits. Dude, I would like to write something everyone would like to read, but, well..., not the case, YET.

Again, thanks people, keep reading, and comment from time to time.

Friday, May 05, 2006

"Well, I have other stuff to do..."

tHAT WAS MY POLITE ANSWER TO YESTERDAY'S (Thurday'S) question. The middle manager gets here, and finally asks how is the project looking according to the deadline. I start showing him what's ready and what's not, and the guy starts asking me why to every "not ready".

I tell him that many of the things I'm supposed to program, I don't know how they work. The emails I send usually take some 3 hours to get answered, if they get answered at all. So he's worried that we're not meeting deadline. (If only you guys had tought of it before, and answered me like a week ago...) Well, so the guy looks puzzled and asks "So at what hour are you leaving usually?". I was very tempted to lie and say 6-6:30 pm, but I remembered I'm not into lying as much as before, so I say "5-5:15'ish..."

Well, MMG then asks "Do they make you exit the building at about that hour? Do they rush you to exit?", and I just say... "NOPE"; and he has the nerve of asking: "Then, why do you leave at that hour?"

Now that was nice, that's what I'm talking about!! My mind gives like a 5 really "cool" answers, but I didn't use any (lame me). I mean, just for starters, that's the hour you guys settled in the contract, bad luck if you don't like it now. I just told him I've got classes to go to, and I have to be there at 6, or I won't get in. This one's inspiring me to write another list: 5 really GOOD answers to "why do you leave at 5?".

Write some suggestions on comments, and maybe I'll list those too.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I'm really trying to get work done.

Well, this week it was Labour Day, so we got a free Monday, that's cool. So, this week I'm trying to really get some work done for the company (as opposed to last week when I didn't really get much done).

I'm sitting here, trying to create this new screen based on the design they gave me, and... I just don't really understand it. There's at least 6 buttons that I just don't know what they are supposed to do. They just created a document with the buttons, but no explanation, and of course, no functionality in them. Yes, I emailed the people who are supposed to know, or, at least put me in contact with the people who know. I'm still waiting...

Oh, and before you ask, no, I don't have a phone here... we moved like two months ago, and apparently they're not installing phones for the "outsourcers", so I couldn't be watching the file while I ask anything... What is really odd is that we all DO have email. However, even after sending the questions written, this lady took two weeks to answer something, AFTER I wrote my questions on a paper (no printer either) and asked for a phone from somebody else.

The really funny part is the "we are delayed" I get almost daily, to which I answer: "Ok, just how do I program THIS button, or this one, please? Who knows?". I don't know, I just program. I'm not really good at guessing what a button is supposed to do. Especially, since the customer is a bank, and I'm dealing with the personal loans process.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The "First Time" list

So after much remembering... meaning that I sat at my desk for like 10 minutes spacing off... Here's the list of the "First Times"'s of the past month. Seriously, there's more, but I can't remember some.
1-First Time... Getting into a Girls Bathroom without knowing,
2-First Time... Going to a Music Fest,
3-First Time... Not working for two days straight (My max used to be 1 day),
4-First Time... Almost breaking a bone,
5-First Time... Going to see two different doctors the same day,
6-First Time... Buying medicine at 12 am,
7-First Time... I sat to change my template actually trying to understand what the heck I'm changing,
8-First Time... I left a restaurant without paying for the meal. Of course, I then got back in and payed,
9-First Time... I really took the time to write "Top Ten" list,
10-First Time... I upload a video on the net. http://www.youtube.com/watch,
11-First Time... I activate a bank alarm!!

Well, guess that's about it for now. Let's see what this month's about. hmmmm... I guess it'll be hard to top the "bank alarm" thing...