Monday, May 22, 2006

Guess I CAN be a superhero

Well, nice weekend. I finally got to hang with my friend Gina for a while. It had been months since I last saw her. Of course, we had to go see "DaVinci Code". I didn´t like it as much as the book, but that seems to be pretty common. I still think it's funny how people are willing to doubt the Bible, but believe that what Leonardo DaVinci painted (wrote or said, or didn't, for that case) is absolutely true.

Well, moving on... while I was waiting for Gina to arrive, I found out that the theater set up a line to wait for the 8:02 showing to start. I was among the first 5-9 persons in the line. Then, all of a sudden I take a step back to call Gina and tell her to hurry, and this girl just stands in front of me. I was about to say something, but then I tought: ok, I'm still very close to the front, no point on arguing. Then, finally Gina arrived, and in a few minutes we were going in, when suddenly, this lady stands besides me and asks the movie guy (the one who brakes your ticket) "What room is this for?" and the guy says 8, and she gives the man the ticket and walks in, not only ignoring me, but also the 50 or so people who were on the line for like a half hour. Gina almost started laughing right there when she saw me standing there waiting for the lady AND HER FRIEND to pass me by.

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