Saturday, December 16, 2006


A ver... 'toy aburrido... pero aquí vamos...

La ida a Hooters: Bueno, fue el miércoles que acaba de pasar... dice Jorge que había un letrero que disque no podía entrar gente... no sé si sería porque iba en plan de perro, o si fue mi gorrito de Santa, pero entré de lo más tranquilo. Una mesera me quizo convencer de bailar como pollito (insistían en tratarme de animal...), pero no pudo. Otra nos dio 2 cervezas, y al rato 2 más (cervezas). No pagamos na', recabucheé a la pela'a de la Cáscara también... y pa'lante...

Buco' trips a Taboga: Pues, sí. La banda ha estado yendo bastantito a Taboga. En uno de esos viajes, la srta Succubus nos hizo perdernos en una montaña, donde no pasó nada interesante... ¡Ah! y por querer aprender a pescar enterré en el dedo índice el ganchito, esa vaina arrrrde... no se los recomiendo, a menos que sean una de esas personas a quienes odio [ustedes saben quiénes son, creo...]

Siguen desapareciendo: Mis amigas... necesito nuevas, o tal vez amarrar a las que me quedan... tema abierto a sugerencias...

Trabajo nuevo y posible mudanza : Ahora trabajo en Koabyhosting. Primera vez que NO creía que me iban a botar, casi me botan... Pero ya han pasado 3 meses... creo. Ah, y tal vez me mude.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Ahora quieren que escriba

Bueno, pues sí, me aburrí de escribir en inglés, por ahora...

Y como van 2 personas que me piden que escriba, y eso representa como el 20% de mi público... aquí voy otra vez... por ahí pongo el cuento de halloween. Sí ya sé que fue hace tiempo, pero bueno, vamos a paso de oficina pública...

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


So, two weeks ago I was really frustated with my job. I had this feeling they were going to fire me. To top it all off, they sent me to this new "one-week" assignment, which was really bad, because in such little time you usually need to stay after hours, and I had the TKD test that same week.

Well, I was feeling a bit desperate, also because my salary was not enough to cover some of the expenses I had had in the last few months. It was OK, but when I took the car to the mechanic, I ended with empty pockets (limpio, limpio, gente)...

However, because DIOS ES GRAAAAAAANDE, and because life is how it is; this friend calls and tells me to phone some other guy. As it turns out, about one week after really praying for a new, more stable (I hate changing offices), and better paid job, I got it!! They even told me I can get in or out of the office whenever I want, they just care that the projects get done. Actually, it's more responsibility, 'cause I'm like the only developer, but I feel this is gonna be one really cool job. I now think I'll really be able to move out of my parents' home by December!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

First-ever poll

Now that I think of it... I'm not sure this is a poll. You see, I'm not really giving options as much as I'm asking for them.

Point is: I HAVE to move out of my house. I'm way too old already to be living with my parents. So, I think I'll rent this little house a friend of mine showed me some months ago.

The only big question for me is: what will be the most important thing to buy for the new home? I already got my TV, PS2 (yes, it'll change to 3 as soon as possible), and laptop (I still don't know how much I owe the bank for it, but it's pretty much the whole lot, so I'll ask later). I'm guessing I'll need some sort of bed, and at least one chair and table, but then, what next?

I'm waiting for ideas!

Monday, July 17, 2006

A whole week flew by

DSCN4839Ok, so first things first, last week they sent me to attend another customer, so I was offline for like 3-4 days. I seriously need another job, and to move out of my home, I'm working on it.

Now, great little birthday I had. Got to go to this place called La Cerveceria, ate something, then got into Unplugged. I don't really like that place alot, but that's where the gang went, and I was bored. Then a friend (can't remember her fake name... so, Zaira it is) got there, right after she watched Superman Returns. I was talking with her about something, when I noticed everybody had gone off to talk (or try to) to some girl. And then, this guy walks by, shoves my friend and stands like too close to where we were standing. I got so mad I started pushing the guy (I stood in front of my friend, and with my back, shoved him), and he tried shoving me... and then he started screaming that I was following him... I wasn't really, I just wanted to clear more room, so I told him: I'm not moving, I'm right here in front of my friend! So the guy like tried to start a fight, and my friend Jorge got there and broke off the whole thing, he stood in the middle... And then Zaira starts telling me to stop doing that. I told her I just couldn't take that a guy would shove her, but she says she doesn't care, and I should take it easy too. So I calmed down, and then another guy does the same thing. She just looked at me and said "Easy". My buddy says all of us almost got into fights that night, but I don't know about that, I was too busy with "watching out for my new friend". Guess I need to take it easier...

Then, on Friday, we got to Liverpool. We were in the party of a friend of a friend. The chick invited us to the VIP and stuff, but I felt tired, and so did Zaira, and so did our other friend. We must have looked a bit weird almost snoozing in the sofa by the corner. The "friend of the friend" says we seemed to be just talking all night long. When the birthday girl asked us why were not mingling, we just said: we're having loooots of fun sitting in this really cool sofa. It was actually fun, going all the way there just to eat tacos at the entrance and then snoooze, and chat at the party... too bad they turned on all those lights.

Saturday!! I can't remember very well. We got to Coastway, and tried some bars and stuff, but there was one where the waiter got mad at some of us. You see, some guys wanted to smoke, so they sat outside, while we got a table inside, and ordered. The guy goes out, and tells our buddies they have to buy to be seated there... They told him they were with us, but he said something like: Oh, then go in, and smoke inside, if you're buying something. Then we did buy beers, and still the guy would give us a bad eye, and act all weird, so we left. Then, at some bar they had "tipico", and one of our friends went straight in, so Zaira asked me if I wanted to leave, and we did. She had some fun playing rock on my car radio, 'cause I don't really like it, but she was the guest, so she could choose the music. I took her to Gasthaus, but then she hooked up with other people, and I left to sleep, 'cause next day was the big beach trip.

Sunday! I woke, and got to the meeting place real early. Then I got this call from my friend telling me Zaira wasn't answering her phone (that's what I understood, anyways). I got real scared that something had happened to her after leaving with those other people, but she was OK. So, Angie, Raul, Zaira, Jorge and I took of to Raul's beach house. It was really cool when a cop signaled me to slow down, because there were like five dangerouse curves coming up next (I'm the only one who doesn't know the name of that part of the highway). I slowed down, not to scare the guys, but I need to drive that street alone some day. We never actually got to the beach, because the pool at the house felt really comfy, so we didn't want to lose that spot. I think Angie and Zaira wanted to go down to the beach, but we men didn't, jajaja... I took some pictures, I'll upload when I get the chance.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Insane & Cool, pt2

This will need to get redone... (but I gotta write down the idea)

So, the day I went dancing with Sandra...

I decided I was gonna sing something, since they had karaoke. I HAD to pick Marc Anthony's "Ahora Quien"... and I sang really bad, I hated it. I couldn't listen to my own voice, and started trying to sing louder, which made me totally loose the rigth tone. Soooo, when I sat my buddies told me so, and I got a bit angry at myself, and another guy starts another of Marc Anthony's song. I decided at that point it would be a great idea to grab Sandra and start singing in her ear, because this other song I can sing better! What was I thinking? I still don't know, but she didn't get mad or anything.

Then comes the part when another girl came to our table, because she knows my friend, and then he tells me: ...she's a hooker, you know? She's working right now!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Insane & Cool

So, not much time to write this weekend. I didn't get any quality time with my laptop, which I'm supposed to pay today.

Let's get started with the reason for this entry. Last week was super funny, and I know I have to write it down, 'cause that's what I said I would do with this blog! Here goes.

Tuesday (I swear that's when the week started) this buddy from the dojang phoned asking me to play wingman in a bar he was going to with a friend's girlfriend. So, after I left some undone work in the office (if work got finished, the company would have to close, right?), I got to the bar. My buddy, the girl (Sandra) and her friend (Rita) had already drunk some beers, so I tried to catch up. I started a little campei game, which ended up being a solo game, 'cause the girls wouldn't drink the whole bottle. However, it had a very interesting effect: According to the girls, I started getting funnier! No matter what I said (I really can't remember what was I talking about) they would laugh at it. And suddenly, the best thing of the week happened, the one thing that made aaaall the bugs from work not matter, what made me forget about how sad I feel about Seinfeld's last episode, the one thing that makes Darth Vader's-birth's lameness irrelevant happened, Sandra said in a really funny voice: I'm laughing 'cause you're like SO cute! I have no idea what I had said, but that I remember!! There you have it, I always knew it. I've been telling it to girls for decades, and they wouldn't believe me, but it's true! Yay for drunken-me!! Which also proves how easy it can be for girls to manipulate me.

Well, then, Rita said she had to go home. She had to study or something. I think maybe she was scared that I campei'ed like 4-5 beers, and I was driving. I DID drive over a corner, but no big deal, I do that even sober. So, when we got to the next spot, I ate something, and settled down to not campei'ing my drinks.

Now, this I remember, Sandra wanted to dance. So, as I can never say no to a pretty girl, I HAD to dance (you know I hate it, but with the "So cute" line, I would have danced on the stage), but it was cool. I must have been drunk without noticing, 'cause she kept laughing.

Then, another super cool thing happened, this friend of hers arrived, and like to get him angry or something, Sandra started dancing with me and my buddy, leaving the dude standing on a corner!! You know I love making people mad. This guy looked really pissed. Too bad I had to get back home to go to work. Seriously, I got to stop doing that. Well, this one is pretty long already, so we'll leave dancing with that other girl and almost crashing my car for the next one. GREAT FREAKING WEEK!!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Penny-Less Odd-Month has ended!!

Well, following something I read from "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", I haven't paid for my car this month. It's their fault for having closed their only bank that was close to where I'm working now. The funny thing is that I do think I can move now.

Seriously, I now don't think you can add and rest numbers and come up with how much money you have. Money is not like that. It really doesn't exist. The more you calculate, the least you have. So, how can you even buy food? I actually bought my food on credit this month. (Sadly) I didn't to the Daddy Yankee concert, and still owe the laptop payment. What's really weird is that the more time I let pass, the more comfortable I feel with it (maybe I'll end up in jail). By the way, someone still owes me money, so she's buying me a new jacket, and still end up owing me!!

I'll pay the car, but that'll be a "long lunch", 'cause those guys are kinda far away, the laptop will get paid soon, but it's also a bit complicated. My buddy who has to design the screens for a software is not sending them. He says I'm not working on the project, only because I don't phone him... I wonder what has one thing to do with the other.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

FeelinG NostRadAmicus

Nope, it's not like I pretend to know what's going to happen in the next 200 years, or anything like that.

I just think it's funny how things in my work DO happen the way I think they're gonna happen. Funnily, my biggest mistake yet has been the date for when they fire me... Well, it must be getting closer, who cares.

Point is, man, in college we saw this case like 6 times, if not more. When you get a design with repeated buttons (2 birthdate buttons for the same person?), missing "required" buttons (your customer SHOULD have an address, right?), and even some missing forms; you HAVE to know your project won't make it on time. Specially when TODAY they tell you how to calculate some "crucial" data. Of course, just paying attention to the 5-minute-who-did-this-thing design, one realizes the customer has no idea what he wants (actually it's a bunch of people), or someone just put in what they though was necessary without any real analysis. So, of course, now it's off-schedule, off-budget, and it should be ready two weeks ago. HHHmmmmm... that time-machine I was working on would make billions if it wasn't a huge pile of crap...

Well, lets hope one or two of you learn from someone else's mistake. If the design is obviously a half-done work, you'll end up with a half-done project. Being positive can really get you places in life, but you also should put some action into it, like, say, do your job, find out what the customer will need, and design forms that allow them to retrieve THAT data...

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Quite interesting week

Before I forget, I was trying to vote for this girl on "Vive la Musica", and when I sent her full name, got an error. The solution? Send just the first name, and school taught me to give full answers.

First, I had forgotten to tell you guys about the new little experiment. I call it "the Pennyless Odd-Month". Pennyless, 'cause I'm paying the stuff I really like (my car, my classes) first, and as it turns out, I bought a new cellphone and contact lenses, which left me almost with no money. So, let's see how I make ends meet (food is one of the most surprising things, I'm not really hungry, yet I want to buy food). Odd-Month, 'cause it's running from May 15-June 15 (mere coincidence). Well, I have only some $15 'till Wednesday. I have to buy this gift for a friend, and go to the movies. Hope they pay that day.

Also, interestingly, a friend started this new blog, and it got comments on its first day. The eternal discussions about differences between males and females is such a meaty subject, you'll ALWAYS get traffic.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Guess I CAN be a superhero

Well, nice weekend. I finally got to hang with my friend Gina for a while. It had been months since I last saw her. Of course, we had to go see "DaVinci Code". I didn´t like it as much as the book, but that seems to be pretty common. I still think it's funny how people are willing to doubt the Bible, but believe that what Leonardo DaVinci painted (wrote or said, or didn't, for that case) is absolutely true.

Well, moving on... while I was waiting for Gina to arrive, I found out that the theater set up a line to wait for the 8:02 showing to start. I was among the first 5-9 persons in the line. Then, all of a sudden I take a step back to call Gina and tell her to hurry, and this girl just stands in front of me. I was about to say something, but then I tought: ok, I'm still very close to the front, no point on arguing. Then, finally Gina arrived, and in a few minutes we were going in, when suddenly, this lady stands besides me and asks the movie guy (the one who brakes your ticket) "What room is this for?" and the guy says 8, and she gives the man the ticket and walks in, not only ignoring me, but also the 50 or so people who were on the line for like a half hour. Gina almost started laughing right there when she saw me standing there waiting for the lady AND HER FRIEND to pass me by.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Findings of the Work Week

Well, last week I tried to make a little experiment. I just tought what would happen if I really focused on the job from 8am-5pm. My point was trying to prove myself wrong; since I did'nt think it would make a huge performance difference.

Well, no hotmail, no messenger, no blogging... and... here are the findings:


Most Important: My perfomance didn't gain a thing from trying to be focused on working. All I got was this huge need on Thursday, Friday, and specially Saturday of not even looking at the screen. I did manage to get work done, however, it was the same as if I have spread the job in more hours.

Most Interesting: In a meeting we had on Monday, I found out ALL my coworkers are late pretty much the same as I am. It's more 'cause of the fact that customers keep inventing features and middle management keeps dreaming that you can actually be on schedule when that's happening.

Saddest: My coworkers suffer this delusion that if they stay 'till dawn at work, they will be on schedule, and that that's what they should be doing.

Funniest: One guy who actually did work 'till dawn several days nearly had a seizure during the office. The poor guy kept counting his discussion items as "Second point!" even though he said like six.

Most Expected: No matter how hard I tried to work, even if I were the fastest programmer in this country, I would have ended being late. On Thursday they added (and removed, and changed) buttons, screens, and functions. Of course, they would like them to be ready this week for tests.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Got into a big debt, but it was worth it... I think

wELL, FINally got the notebook, I'm USINg it righT NOW... Kinda big debt for me, but I hope I can program some cool stuff to get the money back, plus I'm selling the wireless mouse it brought.

Oh, don't forget 2 CHEck Out my flickr, first time in months that I top off the upload capacity. I had forgotten I had a limit to my uploads... Good photos, don't miss the one with the umbrella... I fell a couple times, got dirt all over... I guess someone has to be "that" kid...

However, I did get the ride with two chicks (just friends, jajaj)... but it was cool... tons of food, and free soda to take home!!!!

Got into a big debt, but it was worth it... I think

wELL, FINally got the notebook, I'm USINg it righT NOW... Kinda big debt for me, but I hope I can program some cool stuff to get the money back, plus I'm selling the wireless mouse it brought.

Oh, don't forget 2 CHEck Out my flickr, first time in months that I top off the upload capacity. I had forgotten I had a limit to my uploads... Good photos, don't miss the one with the umbrella... I fell a couple times, got dirt all over... I guess someone has to be "that" kid...

However, I did get the ride with two chicks (just friends, jajaj)... but it was cool... tons of food, and free soda to take home!!!!

Got into a big debt, but it was worth it... I think

wELL, FINally got the notebook, I'm USINg it righT NOW... Kinda big debt for me, but I hope I can program some cool stuff to get the money back, plus I'm selling the wireless mouse it brought.

Oh, don't forget 2 CHEck Out my flickr, first time in months that I top off the upload capacity. I had forgotten I had a limit to my uploads... Good photos, don't miss the one with the umbrella... I fell a couple times, got dirt all over... I guess someone has to be "that" kid...

However, I did get the ride with two chicks (just friends, jajaj)... but it was cool... tons of food, and free soda to take home!!!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

WOW! Finally!!

So, it took some 1 or 2 years, but I've reached the first K visits... cool!!

Thanks to those who actually read this. Thanks to those who've left comments (yes, even to that guy who insulted me 'cause I play videogames).

Well, I'll keep posting, and hoping some day to get the first M visits. Dude, I would like to write something everyone would like to read, but, well..., not the case, YET.

Again, thanks people, keep reading, and comment from time to time.

Friday, May 05, 2006

"Well, I have other stuff to do..."

tHAT WAS MY POLITE ANSWER TO YESTERDAY'S (Thurday'S) question. The middle manager gets here, and finally asks how is the project looking according to the deadline. I start showing him what's ready and what's not, and the guy starts asking me why to every "not ready".

I tell him that many of the things I'm supposed to program, I don't know how they work. The emails I send usually take some 3 hours to get answered, if they get answered at all. So he's worried that we're not meeting deadline. (If only you guys had tought of it before, and answered me like a week ago...) Well, so the guy looks puzzled and asks "So at what hour are you leaving usually?". I was very tempted to lie and say 6-6:30 pm, but I remembered I'm not into lying as much as before, so I say "5-5:15'ish..."

Well, MMG then asks "Do they make you exit the building at about that hour? Do they rush you to exit?", and I just say... "NOPE"; and he has the nerve of asking: "Then, why do you leave at that hour?"

Now that was nice, that's what I'm talking about!! My mind gives like a 5 really "cool" answers, but I didn't use any (lame me). I mean, just for starters, that's the hour you guys settled in the contract, bad luck if you don't like it now. I just told him I've got classes to go to, and I have to be there at 6, or I won't get in. This one's inspiring me to write another list: 5 really GOOD answers to "why do you leave at 5?".

Write some suggestions on comments, and maybe I'll list those too.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I'm really trying to get work done.

Well, this week it was Labour Day, so we got a free Monday, that's cool. So, this week I'm trying to really get some work done for the company (as opposed to last week when I didn't really get much done).

I'm sitting here, trying to create this new screen based on the design they gave me, and... I just don't really understand it. There's at least 6 buttons that I just don't know what they are supposed to do. They just created a document with the buttons, but no explanation, and of course, no functionality in them. Yes, I emailed the people who are supposed to know, or, at least put me in contact with the people who know. I'm still waiting...

Oh, and before you ask, no, I don't have a phone here... we moved like two months ago, and apparently they're not installing phones for the "outsourcers", so I couldn't be watching the file while I ask anything... What is really odd is that we all DO have email. However, even after sending the questions written, this lady took two weeks to answer something, AFTER I wrote my questions on a paper (no printer either) and asked for a phone from somebody else.

The really funny part is the "we are delayed" I get almost daily, to which I answer: "Ok, just how do I program THIS button, or this one, please? Who knows?". I don't know, I just program. I'm not really good at guessing what a button is supposed to do. Especially, since the customer is a bank, and I'm dealing with the personal loans process.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The "First Time" list

So after much remembering... meaning that I sat at my desk for like 10 minutes spacing off... Here's the list of the "First Times"'s of the past month. Seriously, there's more, but I can't remember some.
1-First Time... Getting into a Girls Bathroom without knowing,
2-First Time... Going to a Music Fest,
3-First Time... Not working for two days straight (My max used to be 1 day),
4-First Time... Almost breaking a bone,
5-First Time... Going to see two different doctors the same day,
6-First Time... Buying medicine at 12 am,
7-First Time... I sat to change my template actually trying to understand what the heck I'm changing,
8-First Time... I left a restaurant without paying for the meal. Of course, I then got back in and payed,
9-First Time... I really took the time to write "Top Ten" list,
10-First Time... I upload a video on the net.,
11-First Time... I activate a bank alarm!!

Well, guess that's about it for now. Let's see what this month's about. hmmmm... I guess it'll be hard to top the "bank alarm" thing...

Saturday, April 29, 2006

"First Time" I activate a bank alarm!!

Man, this month is crazy, just crazy (maybe more like I'm crazy, who knows). The point is it keeps happening.

For years I've liked arriving early at work. This way I don't feel guilty for leaving "early", besides, I check my emails, read comics, or any other online stuff before I "punch in" for work. Funny, I have never had a job where I actually punch in or out for work...

Well, today I got into this client's offices to start early my late work, and I remembered I needed to call someone, so I walk towards the phone, and start the bank's alarm.

Of course, I get out, tell everyboy around I'm sorry, I didn't know... and then get back in, and wait for someone else to shut down the alarm (I don't have a password for it, because I'm outsourced here). So like 15 minutes after my "attempt at robbery" some guy shows up, turns off the alarm, and just goes away... guess I could have stolen a chair or something, at least the old magazines they keep...

Oh, and I'm declaring next month the "My friends are rich" month, jajajaj, let's see how that one works.

Friday, April 28, 2006

My first video on the net!!

Well, it's not the first one I make, but the first to be online. Yep, more "First-Time's".

No time for updates, but I did manage to get a good background done. I'll have to upload it some other time. Oh, yeah, I was forgetting, this is the link to the video I don't think it'll change the way you eat your food, but I think it's okay. I'll try to set up a site or account there so I can collect more or upload the ones I edit.

In the work news... it's another payday, another deadline, and a new case of "getting-fired/needing-a-new-job" fever for me (even I am bored). As usual, yes, you guessed it: I'M LATE! Funny stuff, my horoscope actually was right, and maybe I'll take their counsel and leave early today, just maybe...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

"First Time" Month continua!! First Time I write a Top-Ten List!!

Yup, as you read it. I don't remember ever doing this [a top ten list] before... it's freaky. I mean, I noticed this on the 23rd or something, and I though, well, there's few days left, so no more "first-time's" will pop-up, but they keep appearing... perhaps I should declare the next month the "I-met-a-really-hot-chick-who-likes-me-month" or the "I-won-an-Olympic-medal-month" (this one would be specially creepy since I'm so far in time, place, and SKILL from the Olympics)... or the "All-my-friends-became-rich-month"!

So, here's the top ten reasons why people really stay late at work (according to my own experience, which I consider as hard, cold facts. If you have real facts, or not, let us know!!)

01-They just don't have anywhere else to hangout: Let's face it, most of the time all that staying late is not out of love for the company, it's just the mere fact that no one is really waiting for you at home. It happened to me too, no kids, no wife, just mom and dad at home... I'm pretty sure their 22-year-old (at that time)son arriving home early was not THAT-GREAT-news. Also, all your friends are at theirs jobs, so you just stay at yours... mmmm... cellphones, people... just set up a meeting place, and get the hell out.

02-They are the "key employee" of the company: Yes, you have seen them. These people are all the time in like 5 offices at a time, and keep running "errands" for someone else (specially some mid-level boss, or the company owner). these people must be the descendants of those king "counselors" or something (no offense to people who really descend from someone who held that job). I mean, there was the phone, now email, and for crying out loud, a whole COMPANY helping the guy. Do we really need someone asking us to "remember to answer the mail" or "not to leave the bathroom light on"? Maybe if they fired those guys the company wouldn't need to worry so much about ONE BULB being on, and we could pay attention to the emails, instead of being distracted by these bufoons.

03-They are actually afraid of their boss: Well, I've seen this, yet I still don't get it. Once someone told me: it's because the boss CAN fire them. And I say, OK, but you CAN get a new job. If my boss is not going to kill me, then he/she/it can't scare me, I'm sorry. That's part of why I do fear God (and always write His Name with capital letters). Also, I shall always remember this lady in a former job telling me that her VP "will scream at you! and totally humilliate you!!!" if you were late. I never got to meet the jerk, but I so much wanted to. Man, XXI century, why does anybody put up with that?

04-They play online games: I've done it too. From 8-5, he's John Smith from accounting, but from 6-10 he's "Thor, the Thunder god from California!". Yeah, right, that's where the god of thunder comes from... (notice god in non-capital letter)...

05-They don't want to drive during the big traffic jams: Gas is getting expensive, you know? I'm just hopping some day EVERYONE will stay at work, and I'll drive freely at 5!

06-They are trying to meet hot singles online: Aahhh, the greatness of the net. That "hot babe on the other side of the screen doesn't need to know about my ugliness right away"... Yeah, Ok... and don't think I didn't notice. I'm not against it, but at least have the nerve to admit it in front of the boss; instead of lying and trying to make me look like a big slacker (I am a slacker, just not such a big one)

07-They just don't know what to do during work hours: Well, I did this one once or twice (or 20 times, I can't remember accurately...) People who face a really complicated problem during work hours sometimes just wait 'till everybody is going out and then start asking the questions they should have asked HOURS ago! There you are, working like a maniac to get out early, and then, at the end of the day, they say something like: Do you have a minute? OH! I would have loved to actually just give them a minute to solve the problem... (wait, I think I did it once... yay! for me) Then, after that, they'll try to compress a whole day of work into those 2-3 "extra hours".

08-To "puff-up" their job description (and, thus, their own): I hadn't noticed this one until recently. I mean, it's right there, but I hadn't put my finger on it. That's 'till one weekend I started talking to this friend and I tell her how I try to get out by 5 every day. She starts telling how she CAN'T do that because a lot of people depend on her job. (I immediately though: OOOOHHHH she studies medicine, or something where people can die if she fails!) Then she completely lost me. She starts explaining how the footprints she has to draw HAVE to be ON TIME, or else, the other guys will just stand there, and not complete a house or building... then I noticed: her job is not life or death, she just wants to think of it like that (then she is super VIP). That's why she can't get out of it early, because then the poor little construction workers will be standing around with nothing to do... God forbid!

09-Actually, they are big slackers: Hahaha, almost forgot it!! I can't believe it. This one is a HUUUUGE reason why many of the people who stay late do it. They're not big workers, they're BIG SLACKERS!! Again, experience from a former job. The people who usually complained the most about me leaving at 5 were the ones who arrived at 9, 9:30 (instead of 8, if you didn't know the entrance hour ;p). Also, put in a little effort and have lunch in only a half hour one of these days, sit at your workdesk, and check out who really comes back from lunch between 1-1:15 (if lunch starts at 12). You'll very likely notice that the big "stay-late-ers" are the ones always having 2-2 1/2 hour lunches. So, they put in some time to atone for their guilt. Well, those who feel guilty.

10-Simply put, they can't live with their spouse and children: Do I really need to explain this one?

I'm sure there's many more reasons, but I think these are the top 10.

that's what happens when U got 1 PC, & 2 bros

Sorry, people, no chance to change the background image...

I'm actually thinking of doing one with a lot of faces in very little squares, so u can try to recognize the people in it... however, no such luck, my brother had homework, and of course, he started it about the time I got home, and it stretched, till 10 or 11 pm...

SO... workwise, I think there's an upcoming visit from my "project leader". Yeah, as in "I don't know what's to be done, but I'll be checking your work". I really love programming. I've got this really crazy idea to explain why people shouldn't really bother me if they don't like what I program, but it's kinda all wrapped up in my brain, so I can't really explain it... yet. The main points are a) even big software companies leave bugs, and b) have you ever really bought a product and said "it's exactly as I wanted it to be"? ('cause I'm still waiting for that to happen)...

Well, thanks to koolbones for the remark about the background... but don't you guys think it would then be "too pale", and not let the letters be read? Well, I'll experiment with it when I get the PC. hehe, seems like no one noticed that I widened the writing space some 50 pixels!! Nice little trick I learned watching TV.

OH! and before I forget, the "First Timer" Month keeps on! On Monday, after class, I went to eat at Melissa (that's the name of the place). So, after some months that I almost left without paying, it finally happened. I just got out of the restaurant, and into my car. Those guys are lucky that it's difficult to get the car back on the street for lack of visibility. Of course, when the guy got to my car and told me I had forgotten to pay, I went in and payed. And, of course, it was COMPLETELY, AND ABSOLUTELY UNINTENTIONAL on my part. It's just that I'm used to fast food, where you pay as you order, that's all.

Well, try to watch Bleach (it's awesome!!). And forget that I forget to pay for stuff...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Updated Template

Well, people, I finally did it!!

I just finished an update to the template, tell me what you guys think.

Definitely I'm declaring this month the "First-Timer Month". For the first time in my life I have tried to create an email, and was turned down by the site. I don't know how it happens, I get into the Google site, type my data. I even got to the point where I could see my email address besides the Google main link bar. However, for Gmail, they keep saying my email is not on their database (I even assumed I was misspelling my password). Well, it had to happen some day.

The list goes kinda like this:
1-First Time... Getting into a Girls Bathroom without knowing,
2-First Time... Going to a Music Fest,
3-First Time... Not working for two days straight (My max used to be 1 day),
4-First Time... Almost breaking a bone,
5-First Time... Going to see two different doctors the same day,
6-First Time... Buying medicine at 12 am,

7-First Time... I sat to change my template actually trying to understand what the heck I'm changing...

I think there's some more that I just can't remember. Well, we'll see if next year it repeats. Why can't it be "First Time I win $2000 on the lottery"... well, for starters, 'cause I don't buy it... Ok...

So, comment on the new template!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Maybe it was a bad idea

Well, I had written this hilarious entry, and when I tried to upload it, the server crashed. Of course, this was also the first time in history in which I didn't have a backup of the entry.

So, instead of recreating it... this is what u people get, sorry. I just noticed, the site is getting close to a 1k visits. Not bad after a full year (I think).

So, it's still boring working for the company I work for, but one can have some fun. It's just about paying atention to your coworkers, and making fun of them. I mean, here's people convincing you that you should work harder, and then tell you how "we" are being exploited by the boss... Well, I guess I missed the "UR getting screwed, so U better work more" class in college, and I have to thank God for it. And that's just one of those that make you smile while you work with these people. They're good, but sometimes they just seem dumb.

Well, aside from that, if anybody sees my "Maltratalas y te Querran", please send me the link. A friend of mine says he showed to someone else, and they liked it. So I'm planning on reposting and expanding it.

Yes, I now charge a fee too...

So, first, I want to thank ALL the people who read this for asking me to write, and again not leaving comments about almost anything... I know, life's hectic, but, come on, something...

Now, let's stop the whining, and blog some cool stuff (I think it's cool, and that's the opinion that counts here)...

Well, my buddy, Danny the Tiger (ask him why about his nickname) sent the link to, and the guy got this list about stuff that people hate to pay for. I noticed something quite odd about it, most of the stuff we hate to pay seem to be fees. So, why do we pay them? 'Cause they're included in the price, and we can't get out of them.

So, as of now, I'm inventing the "line-invention" fee. Yes, I'll charge a $0.05 for every line of code I create. If I modify code, that's OK, but if it's a brand new line of code (with text on it, blank lines don't count), I want an extra nickel. I think it is fair. Say, a new IF would only add like $0.35 to the software, that's not a lot. Oh, and I will get hold of $0.01 of your "line-invention" fee, 'cause I invented it.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

So, it WAS a girl's bathroom...

Well, it had to happen some day, it's not like it's the first time in history. I just didn't realize I was being a perpetrator.

Yes, last week I got into a girl's bathroom. It was completely accidental, and somewhat fun. I just got out of work and went to Multicentro to watch Memoirs of a Geisha (good movie, but I missed Ziyi Shang fighting).

So, I had to change into a sweater. I walked right into the first bathroom I saw, and I was so surprised by the big amount of stools, as opposed to the usual set of urinals, and how clean it looked. I get into a stool, and as soon as I'm finished changing I hear these girls walk in, and one of them says "I swear it has happened to me, I got into the guys' bathroom by mistake." That's when I noticed why I didn't see urinals. So I ask the girls, and they tell me "Yes, this is the LADIES' ROOM". Soooo... OK... I get out, and suddenly there's like 5 chicks standing around... where were they when I got in? They could have told me... Ok, so I told the cleaning lady they need bigger signs, and got out...

Now, all that was left was to wait for my friends, and suddenly I realized it was them in the bathroom! Yes, the one who had gotten into a guys' bathroom was Christina, and the one who told it was the ladies' room I was in was Jean Marie. So, we got a good laugh from it...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

More of the fest

Well, koolbones wants to know what freebies were given away. Cool...

Freebies were aplenty, there were caps, bags (kind of like purses, but well, my mom, grandma, and aunts will use those... beach-bag-ish), different kinds of sweaters (cool note, yanliet got 2 sweaters at the same time from 1 of those biker guys), Motorola collars with blinking lights in different colors (we got red, green, purple and yellow), "viseras" (don't know this 1 in English :p, also in multiple colors, I got like 4, and Yanliet took some 5), the ThunderStix, the orange sweaters (we never got to those). Man, the really important freebie was the bag. It allowed you to not only keep other freebies, but to conceal the ones you had and ask for more! (Bien panameño, papá!!) Of course, we kept bags inside our main bag.

mmm... what else?? Yes, now I remember, there was this kid with a ton of flyers about "who-cares-what" and he kept letting them fall to the ground... near girls with really short skirts... I never tought you needed your cellphone in hand to pick up papers...

Guess that's it for now... keep on reading...keep on reading...keep on reading...keep on donating...keep on reading...keep on donating...keep on reading... jajajaj

Monday, April 03, 2006

Music Fest

Ok, then, here's what happened this weekend.

I went to MUSIC FEST! Well, of course, first I got sick, and paid $6.00 so the doctor could say to me: Don't worry, that's normal after a fever, it'll pass. Oh, and of course, right after that, the headaches I had been having for 2 days (and scared the hell out of me) stopped. Well, so I was feeling fine, and I had to go to the dojang, and hurt my shoulder. It's all my friends' fault, had they been there, I wouldn't have resorted to that form of "entertainment". Yes, big elliptic jump... yeah right... I fell right over my elbow trying to jump along two shields... and heard my own bones almost crunching. After that, I couldn't even carry my backpack. Thankfully, Fulvia received at her practice, and made a prescription for some medicine and I'm feeling a lot better.

Well, on with Music Fest. It was cool. One or two defects, but it always has to happen.

We got there at about 4:30 pm on Saturday. No long lines, we got tons of freebies. No camera, though, I left it in the car. Yanliet also left her cellphone in the car. We were thinking it was going to be one of those events where people are jumping all over the place and crash into one another. None of that happened, not to us, at least. We got a good place where we could see the stage (from a bit far, but it was ok) and even hang our Nokia bags with our freebies. It was fun noticing how when people got 2 steps away from the fence other people would take the spot in fractions of a second, it reminded of some Animal Planet show. So, obviously, we were like glued to our spot. I left Yanliet "guarding" the spot and got some burgers and soda. Strange how when you're not hungry 20 guys selling stuff walk by, but as soon as you want to buy something they disappear.

Well, "spot-guarding" aside, it was really cool, the bands played excellent music (I didn't know Ivan Barrios could actually sing), even if I don't like rock (AVRIL RULES!! The rest suck). It was a really good show. Yanliet and I were singing, and making as much noise as we could with the Thunderstix they were giving away. I reserved the jumping for Miranda's "Don", I just love that song. After that we started asking people when were Wisin & Yandel coming out, and people told us "TOMORROW", so we left. I mean Moemia is good, but my shoulder was hurting (I hadn't bought the medicine), and Yanliet looked like she needed to eat real food, instead of doing more guard and eating hamburgers. Which brings us to one of the defects, why the heck was there such a long waiting time between bands? Well, the obvious answer is SALES. People kept buying drinks, and food, so, the later the bands showed the better for the sellers. Oh, and the bikers... there was supposed to be an extreme show in-between bands. The only problem was almost no one noticed it. It was placed at people's level, so you couldn't see it from too far, and no one was going to leave their spots to go watch the bikers. They should have had their own stage so you could see them from afar. I mean, the guys were doing really good jumps, once you got close and saw it.

I have to thank Yanliet for going with me to the Rey to buy the medicines, it was like 12:30 am. Thanks a lot.

Well, on to Sunday.

Sunday started a bit slow, specially 'cause we had to make this super long line just to get in. But I did take one or two photos. However, it wasn't that bad. We again got a ton of free stuff, and even though we were farther from the stage this time, we had a fun day. This day we were nomads actually, walking from here to there, collecting freebies, watching some jumps, trying to get close enough to see the bands and sitting on the floor whenever we got tired. Again, same thing about the food sellers, where were they?? Oh, I know, stop being hungry or thirsty, that's when they seem to appear. Some friends were there too.

The craziest part of the show on Sunday was the Aventura band's performance. For a while I though girls were going to start one of those human avalanches you usually see only on TV, but they settled after the guys started singing. I don't really like that kind of music, but I have to admit these guys are freakingly popular, and the singer does have a great voice.

Well, then we saw some more jumps, and bought some food. Buying food was kinda nightmarish, but after we finally ate something, it was Wizin & Yandel's turn. We jumped and danced, this time from a little far from the stage, we discovered it was easier to watch the giant screens instead of getting as close as you could, which wouldn't allow you to see anything. So, after that we, left and like half the people did the same. I still think it was a really bad idea to make Diego Torres follow Wizin & Yandel. Everybody is listening reggeaton these days. I guess the guy was all alone when he finally performed. I mean, you have to be a real fan to wait another half hour for that last performance. I insist, if they had made people wait less, we would have been home by 6, but, well, the poor guys have to try and sell stuff.

There's some stuff to say, but this one's too long already... so, maybe next time.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Well, another gup under the belt, or at the belt, I don´t really know. Last Sunday was the adults exam at our dojang, and we all passed the test. The only freakish moment was when Jean Marie (who by the way doesn't like her name) noticed she didn't have her diploma(?) and there were none left at the table. She asked what was that about and Soobamnim ran to look for it.

Well, so now we're (Christina (who by the way doesn't like her name either), Jean Marie, and I) all now green and blue belts. Pictures are here.

And also, nice 2 notice some 3 people mentioning the fact I don't write much these days. What can I say? I'm sorry, people, but I got depressed when I thought my friends were quitting TKD. Also, I live freakishly far from work, so I get home late, and my bro's chatting every night. By now, all I know is that work seems to have solved itself. No more guilty stares, I get out at 5, as it SHOULD BE. Well, that, or my next check will be their last for me. Jaja, I know, again with the "getting fired" paranoia, that's me. I need to learn too much stuff, and there's too little time... Need to learn Japanese...

By now, lets wait for Music Fest and see how that goes, and also if really got the guts to move out of my house... I'll need a laptop... and my ps2... and my dvd's... and also a girlfriend who will teach me how to cook, and clean a house... oh! and money, I guess...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Some news... some bad, some good

New style from now on. No more divs... never really liked them. Well, unless people like ask 4 it or something..., but I really doubt that will happen.

So, I saw "Codito" the other day. Funnily enough, he was driving out of a parking spot that belongs to the company that I work for... hmmm... let's let it slide. Well, he asked if I'm not writing anymore. I think I'm not writing anymore, 'cause not much people reads this... that's kinda sad.

Now, some good news, my friends and I are moving up another gup this weekend (si Dios quiere). So we must be getting our blue-green belts (I'm not the 1 in charge of the colors). I'll try to post some pictures. Man, I was thinking I was gonna be the only one to get that degree, Christina and Jean Marie were missing classes, but they've been going this last week and they're ready enough. I'll be helping this red belt guy who's gonna show off how he knows how to break people's back over his knee. Qué Sólido, Awe'ao!!! Well, the other red belts are chicks and they don't want to do it, and I just can't let them be worried about that.

And the latest, if you heard about this street by Villa Cáceres that got hit by a truck... we were right there!! Yes, we just got out of the car, ordered, and the fireworks started. The truck that was being carried by the other truck hit the street light and loosened a high-voltage wire. So, Jean Marie just wouldn't get into her car, 'cause the wire was under it. She says starting her car could make her get electrocuted... well, the firefighter who moved her car didn't die or anything, so... Watch the pics.

Jean Marie giving her car keys to a firefighter.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Watch Fun with Dick & Jane

Not only is it hilarious, you could actually learn one or two things about what could happen to you when all that matters in your life is working for a big company.

Pay special attention to what was Dick's (Jim Carrey's character) pension plan. To me it was the funniest thing in the movie. I'm sure that has happened to a lot of people.

Well, not much more 2 say without spoiling the fun of the movie. Just remember to be ready for when you get fired, or the company you work for goes belly up.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Back 2 Bloggin...

I'm back!
Well, after a few days that my PC was dead, it's back at work, so I'm back at blogging... I don't care if only 4 people read my blog.

After all, my friends say it was a sign from the heavens that I should dump working on carnavales. Funny thing is they're kinda right, what I was going to do is not what the client wants, so it'd have been wasted time.

So, today I learned a few things, like the fact that I WAS about to get fired from my first job when I quit from it. No hard feelings there, I had a great year in my next job. Also, it seems now that my way of working is not 100% wrong, as it's getting easier to leave at 5PM o'clock without the "guilty stares".

What else???.... Oh, yes, so Christinaquit from her job and got a new one. However, she had to "botarla" (do her thing) and be worried that they would'nt let her leave 'till all her work was finished. I mean, don't you realize there's new work for you everyday? It's never gonna get done! No matter what you do! But well.... that's Christina. Man, and she and Jean Marie are shy about getting a picture taken... it's like trying to get throught carnival without drinking a beer. Which reminds me, that "wine" they make in Santiago does have a great flavour.

And now, some pics from "LOS CARNAVALES".

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I had never noticed this textbox

That's what u get 4 using IE...
Yes, I just re-started using Firefox as my browser... I had completely forgotten about the "want to debug?" questionary IE displays when you browse some sites.

So it's now that I'm configuring DreamWeaver to test using FF... well, it's as boring as it sounds.

Gotta go play for a little while this boredom is just killing me...
And we survived another week!!
Super weird week at the job. Long story short: Yes, I stayed 'till 8 three days this week, but got to my class 2 out of 3 times... Christina didn't go... bomer... Well, and the really funny part is how this coworker of mine is starting to leave "early" too. I mean, it's 5:10, 5:15, that's not really early, that's ON TIME. And people, work gets done, nobody is dying here if one or two "maps" aren't ready for 1 day.

Well, job aside, great week. I did get to chat with Christina this week. The woman is a complete workaholic.
Stretching is good for the body. Especially your hands.
Of course, her point of view is that I'm a complete "laz-a-holic", well, what can I say?... Besides, I got to meet my instructor's children, three beautiful babies (trillizos). I'll get some pictures soon. And well, classes were really cool this week. I'm telling you guys, this has to be like the best dojang in Panamá.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Yes, it's in English now...
Well, I think the first and major difference in this entry from the rest is quite obvious.

So, yes, I'm now writing in English, and yes, it's all because of the hit counter. I want the site to be visited by more people, so...

Cool, now before I forget, here's the funniest thing of the day. I was at MultiPlaza when I saw this guy who really gave me impression of being the rich manager of his own business. How do I know, you ask? Very simple, here's this guy who's pushing his baby's cart around the mall's parking lot, and he's pushing while his older daughter is hanging from the cart's bar. So now there's three people in this stunt group. Now comes the part of the story that tells me this guy is somebody's BOSS. There's the elevator, which by the way his wife just pushed the button to call, and there's the automatic stairs. And... the guy decides runs towards the stairs with his wife behind him yelling "NO, NO, NOT THE STAIRS, YOU'LL FALL!!!"

What does the guy do? He totally ignores his wife, gets the cart on the stairs (two wheels on one step, the back two on the next step, with him on the third step and his daugther hanging for dear life from the cart's bar trying no to fall down), and almost falls down 'cause of the weigth. Now, tell me, is that "manager" behavior or what? I mean, not only does he pull this stunt with his own kids; he also managed to do it while running, and ignoring a "100 times better" solution. Too bad I didn't have the time to pull my cameraphone to capture this "Kodak moment" a.k.a. "How daddy almost killed his children".

OK, putting that aside... this week has been kinda "focop", my cell's screen is broken, the C&W clowns don't have it. Guido, if you read this, please help me finding replacements online. I'm not sure if buying them "por fuera" would work, and just who the hell is gonna actually install the new screen, I guess myself. Oh, I bought "Papá Rico, Papá Pobre" ("Rich Dad, Poor Dad"), haven't started it, still gotta finish another book, that's taken me like a year to read. Damned self-help books.

My new job is totally absurd, well, my coworkers are anyways. Thirty-something year-olders asking for permission to leave "early" at 5 PM... that's the time your contract says you can leave, so do it... And well, we'll see where I go to next when I quit/get fired, don't care. Remember, RUN forward, BURN the bridge, and NEVER look back, the present is gone.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Sigo sin entender...

Bien, primero lo primero... ¿Dónde vértebra dejé el cd de MacroMedia 8?... Tal vez si lo buscara sería más fácil que esperar a que aparezca, pero MX resolverá mientras...

Sí, ya sé, los tengo aburridos con los cuentos de mi nuevo trabajo, pero es que éste está fuera de serie, y a la vez es exageradamente común.

Resulta que me pongo a contarle a la gente de la academia los mil y un "por qué" de que no me da la gana quedarme metiendo horas extra que no me pagan (Entre los cuales destaca el hecho de que simple y llanamente cada hora extra vale como $3.00, con lo cual en 2 horas tendría yo plata para ir con una amiga al cine...) Bien, pero le digo a mi amigo Jorge que uno de estos días me quedé una hora de más, hasta las 6, pa' que vean que cuando no tengo nada que hacer, yo puedo quedarme. Jeje, lo único malo, es que siempre me invento qué hacer... Y me dice mi amigo que no, 1 hora extra es muy poquito, que así no es el trabajo. O sea, que va, esta vez estoy en total desacuerdo con mi pana, y con toda la gente que piense como él, que me parece que son muchos, porque en la oficina mucha gente habla de que "en la noche encontré la solución a tal problema", o te mandan emails con hora de 11pm. No puedo creer que ahora hasta exista un mínimo de horas que tienes que regalarle a la empresa. Gente, hagan el esfuerzo y calculen ustedes mismos su sueldo de una semana, les aseguro que al menos están regalando $50 por semana. Mejor monten su propia micro-empresa y sáquense esos sustos ridículos de que el jefe se va a rayar si no entregan a tiempo... que es otro cuento interesante, pero pa' otro día.

Miren, ¿hasta cuándo vamos a seguir metiéndonos estos auto-goles? Está bien querer ser profesional, pero la verdad es que si en un trabajo se necesitan 12 horas o más de trabajo diario, entonces el problema no es el trabajador, si no el que asigna el trabajo. Lo que sí me deja perplejo (aaahhh, no se esperaban esa) es cómo las empresas así que más joroban son las que más gente tienen y que son las "más grandes" en Panamá. Digo, así espero yo encontrarme un negocio, recibo los ingresos, pago de menos, la gente trabaja medio día gratis, y hasta están contentos porque les doy trabajo... tengo que meterme es a jefe...

Friday, January 20, 2006


originally uploaded by simply_ryu.
Después de años de no verla, me encontré con Johana en la Vía España.

Por supuesto, no quería que le tomara la foto, pero la convencí.

Un día de estos hay que reunir al Hadoken System otra vez, y jugar billar, por los viejos tiempos

¡Hasta que sirvió pa' algo ese trabajo!

Antes de ayer estaba pensando lo mismo que pienso cada vez que he tenido 1 trabajo nuevo: "Me van a botar. Me van a botar..."

No entiendo cuál es mi miedo si la historia demuestra que a las finales hasta disque a la gente le gusta mi trabajo, pero ese no es el punto. Resultó que a pesar de todo, aunque en verdad no resolví nada, y no avanzé mi "cronograma" del día, pasó algo que ya no me esperaba.

Me encontré con mi amiga Johana, después de otro almuerzo por Vía España (como típicos programadores, ya no sabemos dónde comprar comida).

Johana = Diddy... "Mira esa lechuga!": Johana
Años de no verla, y claro, desde 100 metros la vi. Y tuve que parquearme a conversar con la pela'a.

Me dice que le va bien, aunque no siguió en Sistemas. De repente mejor que no lo hizo, en este país la gente se cree que nuestro trabajo debería ser gratis. Bueno, le tuve que tomar una foto, que por supuesto no se quería dejar tomar... ella siempre llevándome la contraria, pero la convencí. Claro, por estar disque con pena, salió medio movida, pero me vale. Por ahora, no he subido la foto porque la PC de la casa se "re-crash-eó" y hubo que aplicarle un "Lange" (o sea, formatearla). En lo que pueda mandar fotos del cel a la PC, mando la foto.

Por supuesto, el resto del día me valió cebo el trabajo ("grannn sorpresa viniendo de mí"). Tal vez algún me interese lo que pase con un negocio ajeno, pero por ahora, mientras más miro las pantallas más pienso que alguien más debería estar arreglando los errores que yo no dejé en el programa. Bueno, pero para eso me pagan,

Me van a botar.... Me van a botar... Me van a botar... Me van a botar... Me van ...
así que ahí 'toy, mirando el monitor... Además, voy progresando hoy me demoré como 2 horas con algo, y cuando estaba a punto de encontrar la respuesta, le pregunté al man que hizo el procedimiento que estoy corrigiendo y siguió la misma ruta que yo para resolver el problema.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Después de tanto tiempooo...

Bueno, pues sí, instalé Macromedia en la casa. Cómicamente, instalé MX, en vez de la versión 8... y no sé qué se hizo el cd de 8. Lo que me recuerda: leí el libro "El Ocho" y está muy bueno, se los recomiendo.

Estoy en un trabajo nuevo, encarama'o en un piso 14, por ahí pongo el link para las fotos. Sigo pensando que en verdad como que no voy a durar mucho tiempo ahí... ya estoy muy viejo para estar explicándole a nadie por qué me voy "temprano" a las 5. "Porque esa es la hora de salida y hay más cosas que hacer en la vida que estar aquí generándole plata gratis al jefe". O sea, está bien, me pagan y eso me permite ir al cine, pagar el carro, ir al tkd, etc, etc, pero si estoy de 8 a 8 en el trabajo, y hasta los sábados meto horas extra, QUE NO ME PAGAN, ¿qué beneficio hay ahí para mí? Claro que quieren que uno "ponga de su parte", y a uno lo quieren tener explicando hasta por qué uno sale a la hora que es... que va.

Bueno, pero volviendo a lo cool... ya me llegaron los juegos que compré... Navidad atrasada como 20 días, pero me vale, Soul Calibur 3 está pasadísimo de la raya con la tanda de opciones que tiene. Genji es toda una obra de arte interactivo.

¡Ah! y para los que creían que no iba a poder... ya logré colarme en una central de Cable & Wireless (hace un par de años) y ahora me metí en una de Telefónica... nadie me preguntó absolutamente nada... y la gente que iba adelante de mí abriendo puerta con su carné, y yo por supuesto, hasta le sostenía la puerta a las muchachas, hasta que llegué donde mis compañeros de trabajo (conste, no trabajo en Telefónica, estamos de subcontratistas y era la segunda vez que iba para allá).

Bueno, por fuera, tengo que buscar el cd de Macromedia 8... y seguir birreando.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Empezó mi Teletón

Bueno, no, no se crean que es que ahora vamos a tener 2 veces al año que donar para los niños. Simplemente ando recabando para comprarme un televisor portátil (o en su defecto una tarj. de memoria de 1 GB para el cel. para ver cap. de cómicas completos).

El aburrimiento en esta oficina alcanza unos niveles que pareciera que en vez del piso 14 estuviésemos en el 38. ¿Dónde quedaron los años dorados de las birrias de Quake cuando se nos caía el server en mi primer trabajo? ¿Nadie aquí me puede prestar un cubo Rubik, o empezar un jueguito de ajedrez? Gracias a Dios las ventanas estas no abren, si no andaría viendo qué tirar nada más para ver el "splash" de las piezas... primer candidato, el teléfono que se desconecta solo... segundos candidatos, tres o cuatro compañeros de trabajo que creen en el GameCube y MarioParty 7...

Al menos tengo el respiro de chatear por Messenger (supongo que me regañarán dentro de poco), y ya mañana regreso a mi academia. Tendré que ser el único que salga a las 5. Igual que en mi trabajo anterior, nadie aquí se va a esa hora... típico de los panameños, regalándole tiempo a una empresa que no les paga las horas extra, y que si te demoras 2 minutos de más comiendo (o haciendo un manda'o) te miran feo. Nunca entenderé esa. Ni mucho menos la "decencia" de no querer ni coger comida en el "brindis de navidad"... al menos tómate el guaro, o acábate los emparedados, vas a dejárselos también al jefe... ¡¡qué pereza!!

Y claro, ahora que estoy aprendiendo japonés resulta que en la oficina hay 2 ó 3 que llegan choteando en japonés... -_- ... sigue la pereza... no voy ni a sacar mi papel con las letras japonesas que imprimí para practicar...